We were embarking on a mission trip as a family. Or at least we were headed to the airport to meet up with the rest of the team so we could leave altogether. A few days earlier, I had calculated that the journey to our final destination would include a 6-hour car ride followed by an 8-hour flight and then a 4-hour bus ride culminating in a time zone that was 8 hours different from our own. Our trip would be too much for my 6, 5, 3, and almost one year old to handle. My husband and I decided to go a couple of days ahead of the rest of the team to help break up travel and meet everyone at the airport. The morning of our flight, I judged that it would take a 45-minute drive to get to the airport. I forgot, however, to factor in traffic accidents on the freeway and thousands of extra cars on the detour roads.
Lessons On The Way To The Airport