(Photo above: Mincaye & John Cox) My husband and I had the privilege of attending the Shepherd’s Conference in 2003 and hearing an incredible story about five missionaries in 1956 who were ministering in Ecuador and speared to death. The story began with five men, including Nate Saint and Jim Elliot, who wanted to find one of the most savage tribes and give them the gospel. They found a 4th world tribe known for being especially ruthless, and their names were the Aucas. This tribe didn’t even have …
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“If I forget that the way of the cross leads to the cross and not to a bank of flowers; if I regulate my life on these lines, or even …
Does your brain ever play this game with you? At some moment on a quiet afternoon, a sudden thought crosses your mind. “What if..?” Or maybe it’s after a midnight bathroom trip, …
There is a story about Hudson Taylor as a young man. For many years, he questioned the reality of God and what he believed. Yet, despite the darkness that enveloped …