Mission Statement

Abide in Him exists to inspire, encourage, and equip women to remain and continue in Jesus, by using gospel-centered resources in matters that pertain to life and godliness.

“Home and I are such good friends.”
~Anne of Green Gables

I (Shilo), have always loved the word for home, abode.  On our wedding day in 2005, a friend carved us a wooden sign that says, “Glen and Shilo’s Humble Abode.”  It has traveled with us to every location we go.  It is a reminder that wherever we are, home is together.  More importantly, it is where Jesus Christ is the foundation.  A dwelling place that is safe and secure. 

As women who love Jesus Christ, we understand that in order to have a fruit bearing life, we must abide in Him.  For we believe that apart from Him we can do nothing.  In our ever-changing culture, we need Him and one another more than ever.  So whether you are single, married, a mother, or grandmother—we’re glad you’re here! We pray you will feel at home with us, and other like-minded women across the globe.

We are women, who like the character Christian from the book, Pilgrim’s Progress, desire to remain on the narrow path. To run the race with endurance, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:1-2) . He calls us to simply abide and remain in Him.  And we know that whatever season you are in, Christ desires you to abide too!  Moreover, He invites us to learn and lean on one another as we sojourn here…until that glorious day He takes us to our forever abode.

Abiding Themes

Abiding Essentials: Scripture & Prayer

Marriage: Covenant Relationship

Motherhood: Honoring Christ in Mothering

Ministry/Military: Mission Field for Pastor’s Wives & Chaplain Military Spouses

Counsel For The Heart: Issues Women Face

Homeschooling & Children’s Book Club:  Teaching & Training the Mind

Hidden Heroes: Serving God Behind the Scenes

Books: Helpful Resources & Literature Review